Tokyo Baptist Church 9-2 Hachiyamachō Shibuya-ku, Tōkyō-to 150-0035

Leviticus – Chapter 20

Chapter 20 specifies severe penalties for the unlawful relationships and behaviors described in Chapter 18.  These penalties mostly involve a cutting off from Israel of those who do these things, whether by death, or exile, or lack of offspring.  The Bible tells of many who were guilty of these sins in later years (including many Kings in Israel).  At first it may seem strange, in light of Leviticus 20, that so few were summarily executed or exiled.  Upon reflection, however, the history of Israel very much can be thought of in terms of death and exile for all but a small remnant.  The loud and repeated warnings of the prophets, the long delay in punishment, and the fact that a remnant of Israel was preserved, are all evidence of God’s faithfulness, grace, and long suffering.   Finally Christ would come to atone for sin, once and for all.